For non-photography related info about me, see my personal website: www.nickgreenquist.com.
Travel and seeing the world is in my blood: Born in Sweden, early years in Georgia (the US state), high school in New Jersey, college in upstate New York, grad school in NYC, and first 'real' job in California. Today, I try to mix this passion for travel with photography.
I started my hobby in photography during the pandemic in early 2020 because I needed something to do that did not involve socializing. Before this, I always hated taking photos as I was adamant it took me out of enjoying 'the moment'. How wrong I was.
Since picking up a camera, I've tried to optimize my life around seeing and photographing as much as possible. During the pandemic, where I was allowed to work from anywhere, my wife and I packed all of our belongings into storage, and we became 'digital nomads' TM for over two years.
From California -> Hawaii -> Miami -> Chicago -> Pittsburgh/Philly -> Brazil -> into an RV exploring the South -> NYC -> Poland/Prague/Ireland -> back to NYC (permanently...for now).
During this time, I also managed to convince my company to let me take a sabbatical and my wife and I did an 'around the world trip' seeing Egpyt, Kenya, Oman, India, Maldives, Thailand, and Singapore.
I now reside in Hoboken NJ and mostly photograph NYC. When I'm not taking pictures or fantasizing about my next trip, I work as a software engineer in NYC.
Almost all of the photos on this site were taken while exploring the world with my forever travel partner: my beautiful wife.